Our People

Milestone Announcement - Principal Promotions

| Amy Friendy

BRIC recently celebrated an important milestone in our firm’s history – the promotion of Tonie Esteban, David Johnson, and Marc Nordean to Principal. They will join Amy Friendy, Karina Ruiz, and Dan Hess as Principals at BRIC.

Milestone Announcement - Principal Promotions

This moment represents a pivotal step in realizing our vision for BRIC’s future. Over the last few years, our leadership team has worked together to develop an ownership plan that aligns with our identity as a majority women-owned business and our commitment to promoting diversity across experience, race, and gender. Simultaneously, as we consider the firm’s legacy, we recognize the importance of carefully positioning ourselves to effectively transition ownership over time.

As we look to the future, we’re thrilled that Tonie, David, and Marc will each play an integral role in shaping BRIC and strengthening our relationships with the communities we serve. We hope you’ll join us in celebrating their success and the defining characteristics that make them such phenomenal leaders.

Tonie Esteban

Tonie has always openly shared how access to an education impacted her life. As a student, she was given the opportunity to learn, grow, and explore; as an architect and project manager, she has been able to create spaces that foster that same sense of curiosity among today’s learners.

At BRIC, Tonie continues to ask questions. She pushes our team to consider problems pragmatically. More importantly though, she sticks around to help us develop solutions. From equitable community engagement strategies to complicated construction objectives, Tonie embraces complex issues as opportunities to push the envelope of what we can accomplish.

Tonie recognizes that excellence lies in the careful execution of each detail, regardless of scope – and she’s certainly worked on several massive projects, the new Sherwood High School being one of the most notable. While she effectively manages the minutiae, she never loses sight of the big picture: delivering comprehensive environments that advance exceptional learning outcomes.

David Johnson

David’s belief in the transformative nature of design – it’s capacity to function as a catalyst for profound, lasting, and positive change – is evident across his comprehensive body of work. With equal parts courage and vulnerability, he continually pursues design excellence for the benefit of the communities we serve. His approach is characterized by a conviction to explore thoughts and ideas that extend beyond traditional perspectives. David structures conversations and design sessions in a way that encourages his peers to do the same. Together, David and his teams illuminate paths to new solutions.

Though for as much as he teaches and guides others, David maintains the posture of a student. As a passionate learner himself, David brings a distinct sense of empathy and respect to our student engagement process. His recent work with Oregon City has shaped how BRIC designs alongside students, effectively creating framework for children and young adults to think critically and infuse the design process with joy and ingenuity.

Marc Nordean

Marc’s passion for good design encompasses aesthetics, technique, and function. Similarly, his enthusiasm for the process itself is just as far-reaching and equally as infectious. As Marc leads other designers, he shares this zeal candidly and creates collaborative environments where his team members feel that their own sense of excitement is validated. While Marc has become a sought-after mentor throughout the firm, he’s more eager to share how much our younger staff members inspire him.

Like our staff, our clients recognize the value of Marc’s sincere, energetic approach to project leadership. Even when faced with inherently challenging design parameters, Marc encourages everyone – design team members, stakeholders, and district staff, alike – to dream big and reexamine their assumptions. Through his emphasis on opportunities over obstacles, Marc and his teams ultimately deliver solutions that exceed the limits of what our clients had considered possible.

BRIC office in Portland, OR

Listening is one of the most important elements of our process – we can’t wait to hear from you!